Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ancient Manuscripts

The history of graphic communication is so interesting! I got carried away reading and clicking on links and reading further! Yes, I become a history major first and a technology specialist second. Who would have thought the two would collide in such interesting fashion! My first impression is that communication began as pictures then changed to shapes to represent sounds and today we are returning to using pictures to represent words, it seems we’ve come full circle. The scripts were all written using straight indentions that repeated to form a shape and grouped together in a specific pattern and they would write on clay or stone. Contrast in the piece is the lighter color of the indention compared to the natural stone color. Regarding alignment, the writing seems to always be in straight horizontal lines. Proximity of the piece is that it appears that most of the script that has been discovered was written by priests to remember or honor an important pharaoh, event or to record the number of certain possessions.