Tuesday, September 13, 2011

EDLD 5370 ED Tech Leadership Internship Web Conf 4

EDLD 5370 Week 4 Monday, September 12 a few of us joined Dr. Abernathy for our web conference. We discussed the Internship Field-based Activities Summary Report and Validation. Dr. Abernathy said one activity could cover many performance indicators. She also said that we needed to use 3 resources when documenting and the report can be single spaced. All very good to know. Reflection: I think that it would be easier on the members taking this program if the course reflections, and the embedded course reflections were required to be written and posted to our wiki while taking each of these courses. They should be graded, and required to be corrected during that course. That would relieve much of the stress of the Intern class. this last class should be all about building the exam paper and making sure you've dotted your i's and crossed your t's. Also if the APA formatting was required the entire time and graded on in all writing including the discussions, the final exam would be a breeze to put together. Just thoughts running through my head. I have done most of this all along...but could have done more. This has been quite a journey! Thank the Lord for opening this door for me!!

EDLD 5370 ED Tech Leadership Internship Web Conf 3

EDLD 5370 Week 3 Saturday, September 8, 2011 Web conference - I was unable to join Week 3 web conference due to Internet outage in my area for a few days. Therefore, I read the chat...not many people joined and not much news to share via the chat. Dr. Abernathy gave them assurance that they are doing great and will make it through, we are halfway there. That's comforting to know!

Monday, September 5, 2011

EDLD 5370 ED Tech Leadership Internship Web Conf 2

EDLD 5370 Week 2 Saturday, September 3, 2011 Web conference was well attended. We are encouraged to stay up with our assignments and corrections. Dawn gave us her phone number in case we needed to call for clarification. The end is near. We discussed GRADUATION in DECEMBER!!! Love that!! We should have received and email about dates and information for graduation. Dr. Abernathy mentioned that Graduation is Saturday, December 17, 2011. There will be a reception at 10 am and Graduation at 1:00 pm. The reception will be for students and their families, with pictures and finger foods. Sounds great!! I'm excited! Hope to put face with names of new friends we have made during this journey. Dawn and Dr. Abernathy remain very supportive and helpful as we trudge forward on our somewhat daunting task ahead. We must remember to breathe and take it one day at a time! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. What an awesome journey!!

EDLD 5370 ED Tech Leadership Internship Week 1 Web Conf

I was unable to attend our week 1  8/27/11, 10 am class web conference with Dr. Abernathy. Thankfully Dr. Abernathy recorded the web conference and posted the chat for us. It was nice to see some now familiar names listed in the chat room. We have all worked very hard to get to this point and it's been great to share ideas and comments in the web conferences along the way. Dr. Abernathy would like for us to submit a link to our wikis on week 2 discussion board so we can see what others are doing. She and Dawn offered great support as we get into all the writing and posting that we need to do for EDLD 5370. Thank you again for recording and post the web conference!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ancient Manuscripts

The history of graphic communication is so interesting! I got carried away reading and clicking on links and reading further! Yes, I become a history major first and a technology specialist second. Who would have thought the two would collide in such interesting fashion! My first impression is that communication began as pictures then changed to shapes to represent sounds and today we are returning to using pictures to represent words, it seems we’ve come full circle. The scripts were all written using straight indentions that repeated to form a shape and grouped together in a specific pattern and they would write on clay or stone. Contrast in the piece is the lighter color of the indention compared to the natural stone color. Regarding alignment, the writing seems to always be in straight horizontal lines. Proximity of the piece is that it appears that most of the script that has been discovered was written by priests to remember or honor an important pharaoh, event or to record the number of certain possessions.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

EDLD 5363 PSA Pre- and Post Production Notes

Our assignment is to create a one-minute PSA. Our group “met” on our class discussion board. Our group members are Suzanne Beaver, Tammy Foreman, Laura Deiss and Jackie Johnson. We began communicating using email and discussed our topic. We decided our topic was Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Our PSA is based on Suzanne’s personal experience with IBC. Suzanne offered her wiki for our group collaboration and wrote a rough draft for our script. We discussed the script and posted shot suggestions. Next, we split the script into 4 parts and each group member edited their part, created video or digital pictures, and voice over audio for the project and posted it on our wiki and sent the files to Laura via email. Laura edited our PSA and posted it back to our wiki. Our group communicated on our wiki any changes and suggestions for PSA. Finally, Laura posted our final PSA to YouTube.

Our PSA is insightful and informative. The only suggestions I have to improve it would be to make sure all of the audio is approximately the same volume. I would have also liked to have more movement in the shots by zooming in and out. Overall I think it was a successful attempt and if someone sees it, visits a doctor, catches their cancer early, and it saves their life, it will be a wonderful thing!

EDLD 5363 Personal Video Project

I used iMovie and my personal photo collection to create this video about my dad.


This project was challenging but fun. iMovie made the actual making of my movie project very easy. However, it was challenging because there are so many stories I wanted to tell about my dad. It was difficult to chose the right one. There are hundreds of photos to look through and again it was very difficult to choose the best ones to tell his story. It was also difficult to tell his story, because in November 1999, dad passed away, so combing through all of my memories of him was an emotional roller coaster, I laughed and and cried.

The fun part of this project was sharing it with my family. They were surprised, interested and also emotional. I plan to use this experience to create more family memories to share, what better way to share all the photos that I have collected over the years?!