Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 2 Web Conference

Our class was required to attend a web conference for Cohart 12 using a web cam and microphone. We logged on and Dr. Borel set up our accounts so that we could all see and hear each other. We used the embedded chat to help each other get videos on and microphones on or off. We received information regarding our Internship and Field-based Experiences and Activities. We discussed the Internship Handbook found in the Resources/Document folder. My experience using the web conferencing website has been smooth. I have been able to log on and participate in the both the practice and a required web conference. I look forward to learning even more exciting uses of technology as we continue on towards our educational goals. I am a technology specialist and I have been involved in technology since "punch cards" and it is still mind boggling to see what technology can do.

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