Monday, September 5, 2011

EDLD 5370 ED Tech Leadership Internship Web Conf 2

EDLD 5370 Week 2 Saturday, September 3, 2011 Web conference was well attended. We are encouraged to stay up with our assignments and corrections. Dawn gave us her phone number in case we needed to call for clarification. The end is near. We discussed GRADUATION in DECEMBER!!! Love that!! We should have received and email about dates and information for graduation. Dr. Abernathy mentioned that Graduation is Saturday, December 17, 2011. There will be a reception at 10 am and Graduation at 1:00 pm. The reception will be for students and their families, with pictures and finger foods. Sounds great!! I'm excited! Hope to put face with names of new friends we have made during this journey. Dawn and Dr. Abernathy remain very supportive and helpful as we trudge forward on our somewhat daunting task ahead. We must remember to breathe and take it one day at a time! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. What an awesome journey!!

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