Saturday, September 25, 2010

EDLD 5363 PSA Pre- and Post Production Notes

Our assignment is to create a one-minute PSA. Our group “met” on our class discussion board. Our group members are Suzanne Beaver, Tammy Foreman, Laura Deiss and Jackie Johnson. We began communicating using email and discussed our topic. We decided our topic was Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Our PSA is based on Suzanne’s personal experience with IBC. Suzanne offered her wiki for our group collaboration and wrote a rough draft for our script. We discussed the script and posted shot suggestions. Next, we split the script into 4 parts and each group member edited their part, created video or digital pictures, and voice over audio for the project and posted it on our wiki and sent the files to Laura via email. Laura edited our PSA and posted it back to our wiki. Our group communicated on our wiki any changes and suggestions for PSA. Finally, Laura posted our final PSA to YouTube.

Our PSA is insightful and informative. The only suggestions I have to improve it would be to make sure all of the audio is approximately the same volume. I would have also liked to have more movement in the shots by zooming in and out. Overall I think it was a successful attempt and if someone sees it, visits a doctor, catches their cancer early, and it saves their life, it will be a wonderful thing!

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