Saturday, September 25, 2010

EDLD 5363 Multimedia Video Technology PSA Project

Our PSA topic is Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
Our group members are Suzanne Beaver, Tammy Foreman, Laura Deiss and Jackie Johnson.

The link to our PSA video:

Our group collaborated on our wiki:

My reflections about this project:
This has been a very interesting project. First, Suzanne is awesome! She allowed us to use her story to write our PSA. Each member of our group added our own touch to the PSA. While we saw the project from different eyes, I feel that each of our contributions made our project successful. Even though we do not live close enough to meet in person, we used our group wiki and our school email to communicate. I felt we communicated effectively. We worked through each step of the process together offering encouragement and positive criticism. We collaborated and we have created a PSA that I hope will get important information out there and help save someone's life. Pixar's Randy Nelson mentioned three tips for successful collaboration: "accept every offer, make your partner(s) look good, and it is important to have failed and recovered." (Nelson, 2009) Laura, Suzzane, Tammy and I achieved these three tips, and were successful in our collaboration.
Nelson, R. (2008). Learning and working in the collaborative age: A new model for the workplace. Edutopia. Retrieved April 23, 2009, from

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