Sunday, September 19, 2010

EDLD5363 Multimedia Week 4 Web Conference

I attended our 9/19/10, 5 pm class web conference with Dr. Abernathy. The chat room was full. Everyone gave suggestions about how to share files and editing tips. Dr. Abernathy confirmed that there needed to be 2 or more voiceover contributions for our PSA, stating that we needed to practice working together, editing files that we did not create ourselves and relying on our group and coming up with a project we can all be proud of. Dr. Abernathy also cleared up the question of how to post our assignment for week 4. We are to post a link to our wiki on the Week 4 discussion board and also post a link on our personal blogs. Dr. Abernathy recorded the session and she will publish the link for the class. She also said she would create a wiki or something that we can all place a link to our PSAs on to share them with each other and also to share with them with "the public." I'm looking forward to seeing all of our PSAs!

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